April 22nd is Earth Day. A time when people are reminded to recycle, plant trees, reduce our carbon footprint, and all in all to respect nature.
In agriculture being good stewards of the land and environment are a must for the continued success of farms and ranches around the globe.
In our line of work, every day is a day to be mindful of land, water, and natural resources. From dairy cow care to bringing milk products to tables around the world, America's farmers and ranchers live a legacy that will be passed on to future generations.
Dairy farm families are environmental caretakers who have committed their lives to managing and protecting natural resources for future generations. In the past 40 years, dairy farmers have reduced land use by 90%, water use by 65% and carbon emissions by 63%.
Just one of our reusable milk bottles can be used 100 times. That's 3-5 years of use for one bottle! Imagine what a difference it would make if all reused, re purposed and recycled a little bit more!

Colorado Dairy, Wholesale Dairy, Colorado All Natural Dairy, Colorado Wholesale Dairy, Colorado Milk, Local Milk Colorado, Farmer's All Natural, Royal Crest Dairy