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Economics of a Colorado Dairy Cow

Farmer's All Natural

Did you know that Dairy is the second largest agriculture sector in Colorado?

Weld County is the 14th largest milk producing county in the U.S!

Cows in Colorado produce the most milk per cow in the country – a sign that they are healthy and love living here just as much as we do!

Dairy farms have a multiplier effect on the economy. For every dollar that goes into a dairy farm in Colorado, $5 is spread to the economy. Dairy farms create jobs on the farm, in transportation, at our processing plant and at feed growing operations. Those dollars also contribute to our delivery drivers, employees in grocery stores, restaurants, cafes and more! Each dairy cow contributes nearly $23,000 to Colorado's economy!

Colorado Dairy, Wholesale Dairy, Colorado All Natural Dairy, Colorado Wholesale Dairy, Colorado Milk, Local Milk Colorado

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350 S Pearl Street

Denver, CO 80209


Tel: 303-778-1495




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